Bendcrete Archive - from GTWorld
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Every Bendcrete Wall and all our training products are individually designed and crafted by highly experienced climbers for climbers of all abilities. We only use top quality materials and our products are subject to continuous testing and development to surpass all existing climbing wall standards.

You can be sure when buying Bendcrete that you have bought wisely. You will be amongst our many satisfied customers who are pleased they bought the best.


Find out about all our latest products and innovations. Which climbing wall contracts we have won and what new walls we have built.

RADIO BENDCRETE For all the lastest climbing gossip and more.

Who are Bendcrete and what do they do? Which are the walls that Bendcrete built?

ORDERING Price lists and ordering information on all our products that we can mail order. We sell products from Antarctica to Spitzburgen to Japan to Australia. No order is too small or too far!

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